Tom Kuegler- So true! I see this with my coaching clients all the time. The people who can have the most effect on each of us is often NOT the person who is closest to us. We tend to disregard the opinions of those who love us and fall into thinking that those persons can’t be objective in assessing our faults or accomplishments.
This can be true- few parents tell their kid they suck at something, even when the kid does suck at that thing, like say….maths. But we do trust that someone who doesn’t really “know”us all that well will give it to us straight.
So whatever we write can be powerfully inspirational or motivating to another person. The more vulnerable we are…… the more we allow ourselves to write as ourselves…. The more value the Reis in what we put out.
Words are power… sometimes we underrate our own powerful ness by looking at the words we write and not at the meaning it may have for someone halfway round the world.
Words are power….. step fully into your power by allowing yourself to be vulnerable, honest, and fully yourself.