Member-only story
Thursday Real Life Reading
The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin, 2009
This month, among other things, I resolved to finally start writing articles here on Medium. I know…. Not the most earth-shattering news is it… but for me it’s a semi-big deal because I am setting myself the challenge of writing 6 days a week, and actually doing it.
Again.. nothing earth-shaking in this except when you are the person saying you’ll do it and then you realise… holy moly… what the heck did I just commit myself to?
It’s Thursday and I fondly remember Thursday as being the day when, in 3rd grade, I got to go to the reading class… IN THE SIXTH GRADER’S ROOM!
I was always so excited to do this because they were reading books I really liked and because in true 1960’s style, there was a “reading corner” and I could sit on the carpet squares surrounded by big pillows, reading quietly for 45 minutes. It was heaven.
Why am I telling you all this?
Because I’ve decided to make Thursdays, my “book report” days on Medium. Yup! You heard me right, every Thursday I’ll be adding a review of a book I’ve read and hoping that you all will jump in and contribute your own thoughts and ideas and opinions (hint… especially if they contradict my own!)