The Happiness Habit
Yah just never know…….
Cold morning
Lower back spasming ’cause I pulled it yesterday.
Power outage this morning in the midst of writing a huge presentation for a bunch of stressed-out lawyers who hired me to teach them how to de-stress and here I am… Stressing massively!
For sure I thought my mood and my day were already shot to hell and it wasn’t even 7:00 am yet.
It wasn’t, I wasn’t
“Wait…… What”?
In fact as I found myself driving to the chiro to deal with my screaming back pain, I was smiling. Happy even.
What the heck? It certainly wasn’t the three Advil I took with my coffee, so what was going on here?
Who was I?
Because this was totally not what I’d expected to be feeling. Given the circumstances.
I expected to be upset, miffed, thrown off my game, totally undone… instead here I was turning up the radio and smiling at the light rain falling on my windshield. What was going on?
As I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car, it hit me!
Somehow the part of me that could be really present,and really awake, had won out.
Sure, I’d noticed the pain in my back, and the lights going out while I was working, and even the drive in the rain.
What I’d also noticed was the beautiful smell of freshness that spring rain brings, and that I was able to sit long enough to drive myself for help. I noticed too that the power outage gave me a needed break from thinking and typing and beating myself up over my perceived inability to come up with pithy wordage.
Slowing down, being present in the moment allowed me to notice everything. Not just crappy stuff, but the great things too. I was even in enough of a good mood to stop on the way home for a donut.
What I realized once I got home was that all the days I’d practiced noticing what was happening in a given moment, all the times I’d stopped myself very intentionally to observe what was happening, right here, right now, All that had added up and paid off big.
I’d hit the jackpot, right then and there.
I’d turned my practice into a habit.
One that I didn’t have to think about, one that I could just enjoy.
One that literally made my day!
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