So true! Not that I love my life all the time, sometimes I have it together, sometimes it’s like a train wreck and sometimes, (most often) it’s somewhere between those two extremes. But what is always true is that being an artist, and here I also mean being the artist of your own life, is a daily act of courage. It takes guts to step up everyday and live into what we want, who we are and it takes courage to be in the world in a way that (hopes) to inspire others to be just as much an artist.
So maybe being messy and falling apart is part of the process? What if that’s true? What if we HAVE to fall apart in order to see new ways to put ourselves back together- then “not having our shit together” means we get to make new and better choices every single day we are living in the. Get to make ourselves and our lives as our art- whatever that looks like for you or for me. It’s something we create and recreate and recreate from the mess of it all.
Maybe being a mess and allowing it to move and shift and coalesce and fall back apart IS the art? What if that is true?