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Find Your Payoff
Simple Tips for Modern Living, #5
Finding Your Payoff
If you missed reading it, the first part of “Don’t Ask Why” can be found here.
In an earlier post I wrote:
The necessary answers will come into view as you move forward.
That’s what finding your payoff brings forth.
Many times we are told to “begin with why”. No matter what aspect of business we’re working to grow, the common thinking is to define our goals and understand why we are creating the business, or why someone wants to buy what we have to offer.
Why is the easiest place to get bogged down and come to a grinding halt.
Rather than starting with “why”, try beginning by finding your personal payoff.
That’s a WHAT, not a why.
When you start with what you want to gain, you’ll quickly identify what you are working for.
Knowing what your payoff is makes it easier to see the action steps you need to take to achieve your goals.
As you move through the actions you’ll notice something…
Almost by magic, the reasons why… are going to show up for you and here’s the…