I find that my best times also shift with the weather and the season and the years. For example, for about 6 months I was waking up at 4:00 am WITHOUT SETTING AN ALARM! to work on a book I’m writing. Then winter and cold mornings came and I found it impossible to roll out of bed before 7 am with out the danged alarm going off in my ear. WTF?!?
Now I am finding that 7:30–9:00 am are my best writing times. It’s summer again and tho I expected to start my super-frikken-early writing again, that’s just not what my body and soul wanted.
I’m learning to respect and listen to my body and follow my productivity rather than trying to make it conform. The one thing I have working for me in doing this that admittedly makes it easier is that I work for myself most days so I have A WHOLE LOT OF FREEDOM in my schedule.
I would totally find it harder to do if I had a 9-5 J O B… So if that’s how your life is right now…. Know that you might have to get a bit creative and also that you are already working harder than me and a lot of us. Get some gold stars and plaster them on your calendar to remind yourself that you are ALREADY WORKING HARD and it hasn’t even begun really… Or maybe it has.. :-)